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Ugta Suraj

SADRAGs mainstreaming programme 

Noida, India



SADRAG - Social and Development Research and Action Group is a Non Profit Organization.

Ugta Suraj is a programme of SADRAG in Noida, (east of Delhi) - to mainstream "out of school" children into the formal school system. Ugta Suraj operates through  a Network of Learning and Support Centres (LSCs). Children are mostly from migrant families. These children are either school drop-outs or are the first generation learners who have been deprived of formal schooling due to family or systemic reasons. Up to 2013, supported the LC in the district Agahpur. Since 2013 supports the Ugta Suraj programme with classes in the districts Barola and Nagla.

Dr. Mala Bhandari, SADRAG: What ails Noida: Why are Children 'Out of School' 

Responsible: Eveline Ryser


Site visit Klaus Glashoff und Doris Eckstein im November 2010